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uses Word to document his technical projects, and wanted an easy way to generate web pages. SVG files are written in XML language.If you’ve ever examined the messy HTML that results from doing a Save As HTML from Microsoft Word, you can appreciate ’s motivation for his WordWebNav (WWN) project. But if you like, you can add svg to the list too. By default, “XML” language is associated with xml, xsml, xsl, xsd, kml and wsdl extensions. In the Style Configurator dialog box, you can specifiy which programming language is associated with which filename extension. Repeat these steps for other themes if you wish. (Select the first item on the list, which is empty.) From the right side of the dialog box, open the “Font size” drop-down box and clear the font size.From the list to its immediate right, titled “Style”, select “Brace highlight style”.In the leftmost list, titled “Language”, make sure “Global Styles” is selected.(“Default”, “Hello Kitty” or “Viberant Ink”.) At the top of the dialog box, select the theme that you’d like to fix from “Select theme” drop-down box.Open “Settings” menu and click on “Style Configurator…”.Step-by-step fix Notepad++: Style Configurator How did I discover this? Well, I started comparing height-related elements between “Ruby Blue” and “Default” theme and discovered that “Default” has set the font size to 12pt for “Brace highlight style” while “Ruby Blue” has not set a font size for this value. Notepad++ uses a fixed line height equal to the tallest character that can be on that line. The answer is: The line would still be 12pt tall. But what if there is only a keyword in one line (whose character sizes are 10pt)? What if the line is entirely blank? So, in the example above, what happens if both known keywords and braces are in one line? Naturally, Notepad++ must adjust the line height to accomodate a 12pt font. (“Points” or “pt” for short is a measure of font size, equal to 1/72 inches.) For example, it is possible to display known keywords in bold black 10pt font and braces in red 12pt font. One of its features is syntax highlighting when the user is editing a source code, written in one of the programming/scripting/markup languages that it knows of, it automatically shows keywords, variables, values, parameters and comments in different colors, sizes, font weights, font styles or typefaces. Notepad++ is an advanced plain text and source code editor. But as with any other curious human, I wanted to know why, just out of curiousity and not because of practical need. I normally wouldn’t care for a slight amount of space as I am not a consumer of ASCII art and don’t use table characters in my source codes either.

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